Grand Island Liederkranz

Tour the Hall

The Club was founded on November 7th, 1870 and incorporated January 2nd, 1871. It presently has the distinction of being the oldest club in Grand Island, Nebr.

The Club was organized as a singing society to promote singing, music, drama, art, and literature. The German name Liederkranz means "Song Wreath" or "Circle of Song."

The Union Pacific Railroad donated two lots of the present site for the original frame building costing $3,275.00. This building was replaced with the present one in 1911 at a cost of $61,757.84. It is one of the few buildings in Grand Island to be registered with the Nebraska State Historical Society and on the National Register of Historic Places.

Both buildings served as the primary community meeting place for many years for events such as the signing of peace treaties with the Indians, carnivals, revivals, political conventions, and commercial meetings.

The paintings displayed in the Dining and Centennial rooms, which depict the history of the Liederkranz and Grand Island, were presented to the Club by the Grand Island Sketch Club on the 100th aniversary of the club.

The Liederkranz has always been recognized as a leader in civic programs throughout its history and we continue this tradition by making our facilities available to charitable organizations for their fundraisers for a nominal fee.

The Liederkranz remains a family club. Our facilities include a dining room, lounge, bowling alley, meeting hall, ballroom, and enclosed courtyard.

The Liederkranz is owned by the Membership and governed by a nine-member Board of Trustees who are elected by the Membership. The Club has a hired manager, however some of the day-to-day operations are managed by a group of volunteers, so some of the people who serve you may be volunteers. If you would like to volunteer (a good way to meet people), please come to a board meeting.

Current Board members are:
     President: Sue Mayhew
     Vice-President: Rudy Stumpf
     Secretary: Pam Glaser
     Angie Liske
     Elsa McDermott
     Ray Glaser
     Jay Engle
     Carl Mayhew
     Gloria Otradovsky

"Wo man singt, da lass dich ruhig nieder; Böse Menschen Haben Keine Lieder."

Member Info. | Dining Room | Schedule | Hall Rental
Photos | History | History of Song | News Articles

Grand Island Liederkranz